FinanceDeck is dedicated to providing you with updates & news on crypto, to help you make money from it, as well as showing you which coins have the most utility.
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In the crypto space, the term sh*tcoin typically refers to a coin that has no immediate, discernible purpose. Sh*tcoins can also refer to coins that do have a discernible purpose, but have terrible leadership, major flaws, or something else. FinanceDeck lets you know which coins are sh*tcoins.
The main problem with traditional money, aka fiat currency, is, trust is required. You must trust your bank to hold your money for you. The bank can freeze, move [..]
Cryptocurrency exchanges are websites that allow you to buy and sell cryptocurrencies at their current market rates. We'll be listing some crypto exchanges [..]
Ethereum is a decentralized platform that runs smart contracts. It provides developers with a blockchain-based, decentralized application (DApp) development [...]