Serving you with a slice of cybersecurity

Cyberguard was created as an informational website to inform those who are uneducated on the topic of digital privacy about the significance of it, in hopes of improving the readers' digital privacy.

What does Cyberguard provide?

Security Tool of the week

Every week, Cyberguard randomly selects a security-foocused tool and lists it as the tool of the week.

Helpful Security Tips

Cyberguard provides helpful cybersecurity tips via a checklist to help secure your internet life.

Software Suggestions

Cyberguard serves you with recommendations for various security-focused software/programs.

Service Suggestions

Cyberguard recommends security-focused alternatives to big tech services like Google Mail.

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No Sponsored Links/Suggestions

Unlike various other websites which recommend security or privacy-oriented software/service alternatives, none of the links listed on Cyberguard are sponsored by a company or are advertisements. Cyberguard only lists legitimate software and services which respect user security and privacy, to guarantee that your digital security maintains its strength.

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Security-certified software & services

Any services or software that Cyberguard lists on its website or endorses is verified by us to respect their users' digital security and privacy. Cyberguard does not and will not ever intentionally list or recommend any software or service that violates user security, even if we are offered a significant amount of money to do so.

Frequently Asked Questions

Yes, Swivro owns the website of Cyberguard and controls all content placed on it. Cyberguard is a division of Swivro.

Cyberguard makes no money. Zero. It is a division of Swivro, and, as of today, November 14th, 2022, Swivro itself and its divisions make no money. The owner of Swivro pays for the domain name(s), hosting, etc, out of pocket.

Cyberguard does not currently offer any Cyberguard-developed software or services, however, it may become ideal to, in the future, offer security-oriented software and/or services under the Cyberguard brand.

You can send us an email ([email protected]) with any of your suggestions. If you're looking to contribute by donating money to Cyberguard, it will not be possible unless you contact us asking to donate. Cyberguard was made for the general public's benefit, it was not made to collect thousands of dollars in donations to be put towards a $10/yr domain name that we can pay for using our own money. 
TL;DR if you want to help us, you can email us with your suggestions at [email protected]. If you want to help us by donating money, we won't accept it, because we don't need it right now.

I will go to a page on Cyberguard, throw my computer mouse around, and what ever the cursor lands on, will be the tool of the week, haha.


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